Animation Workshop

patrickbouchard1.jpgA three-day animation workshop by Canadian artist/animator Patrick Bouchard.

Patrick was born in 1974 in Chicoutimi, Quebec and his work is characterized by two themes: multidisciplinarity and consistency. The young filmmaker has demonstrated great versatility, showing himself to be at ease in a variety of art forms, while maintaining a deep attachment to his place of birth, where he still lives and works.

In the 1990s, Bouchard studied cinema and visual arts at CEGEP and university. He gained experience in sculpture, a medium that naturally led him to puppet animation. While continuing his studies, he made several independent videos and two animated films. His 1996 animated short Jean Leviériste was screened at Regard sur la relève du cinéma québécois and broadcast on Télé-Québec.

Among his other accomplishments, Bouchard created soundtracks for student films and played guitar in a progressive rock band in 1999. All his talents came into play in making The Brainwashers at the Animation and Youth Studio. This strange and strong film, unlike any other produced in Canada, won the Jutra Award for best animated film in 2003.

In 2005, the song Dehors novembre by the Quebec group Les Colocs was adapted to the screen by Patrick with help from the producer and screenwriter Marcel Jean. The film once again revealed the animator’s unusual, disquieting style. Though a relative newcomer to the field, Patrick displays remarkable energy and skill in his work and seems destined to leave a mark on the world of animation.

Source: NFB Portraits

verpress.gifAlso programmed within the Quebec cinema section, you will find the short film  LES RAMONEURS CÉREBRAUX  directed by Patrick Bouchard, 2002.

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